Tech Bulletins

Working with Concrete: Hazards and Resolutions

Covering the Basics: With the summer months well under way, we can expect concrete pours to take place all over the Central Ohio Area. We all (should) know the required safety precautions to by which OSHA requires us to abide during a concrete pour: gloves, safety...

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Welding Fumes Are Now A Group 1 Carcinogen

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) recently classified welding fumes as a Group 1 carcinogen. This is an increased rating from the last time welding fumes were evaluated in 1989. There are more than 11 million welders worldwide and more than 110...

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Tips for Safely Using Powder Actuated Tools

What are powder actuated tools?  Powder actuated tools (PATs) are fastening devices used to connect material to hard surfaces such as steel, masonry and concrete.  PATs have three key components:   The fastener which is manufactured with special steel and heat treated...

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