Tech Bulletins
Let’s Talk Trench Inspections – What Does OSHA Require?
Most people out there only worry about inspecting trenches and excavations when their employees are getting ready to work in a trench that is at least 5 feet deep, but that’s not the only time they should be doing it.
Biden Taps New OSHA Leader
OSHA has a new acting leader, and his name is Jim Frederick. Appointed by President Biden, Frederick will serve as OSHA’s deputy assistant secretary. In his role, he’s expected to lead occupational health and safety efforts, particularly against COVID-19, the largest...
What You Need to Know about Respirators Going Into 2021
Respirators became the hottest workplace accessory of 2020. And for good reason. They are designed to protect workers from potential workplace hazards, including COVID-19. At Safex, we fit tested more people in 2020 than any previous year. We helped droves of general...
OSHA Recordables Are Possible Even When Working From Home
Working from home seems pretty low risk. But did you know employers are still responsible for recording work from home injuries? It’s true, the same OSHA recordkeeping rules apply for workplace and work from home injuries. While injuries and illnesses must require...
How to Prepare for a COVID-19 OSHA Inspection
As a health and safety professional, you likely always have the thought of an OSHA inspection in the back on your mind. But how about OSHA COVID-19 inspection? The thought alone might spike your blood pressure but with Safex’s tips it doesn’t have to. OSHA area...
What To Do When an Employee Gets COVID-19
Managing COVID-19 cases in the workplace doesn't have to be difficult when you have the right resources. Our team of safety professionals has put together a tip sheet to help. It covers everything from how to communicate with affected employees to cleaning procedures...
Incentivizing Safety the Right Way
In the wake of a workplace incident, an incentive program sounds like an appealing solution to improve workplace safety. It worked for your children, why not your employees? Unfortunately, incentive programs that offer tangible rewards for safety compliance, often...
New Guidance on Face Coverings to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19
The CDC updated their guidance on August 7, 2020, to indicate that that N95 respirators with valves or vents do not prevent the person wearing the respirator from spreading COVID-19. These types of respirators are designed for dusty construction work and the valve...
OSHA’s Recommendation on Cloth Face Coverings At Work
Cloth face coverings mandates are popping up all around the country. Face coverings are intended to prevent wearers who have COVID-19 but are asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic from spreading the virus. What do employers need to know about cloth face coverings for...