Tech Bulletins
Tech Bulletin: Be a Cold Weather Safety Champion
Winter is around the corner. Knowing common cold stress injuries is key to keeping workers safe. What conditions are caused by cold stress? Hypothermia – The worst of the worst; caused by prolonged exposure to cold. It occurs when the body uses up stored energy and...
Getting Prepared for OSHA’s New Heat-Related Initiatives
OSHA is initiating enhanced measures to better protect workers in hot environments and reduce the dangers of exposure to ambient heat. OSHA reports that “Despite widespread under-reporting, 43 workers died from heat illness in 2019, and at least 2,410 others suffered...
Preparing for the Forthcoming OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard
The Biden administration recently announced a new national strategy to combat COVID-19. One part of the plan requires employers with 100+ employees (company-wide, not per location) to ensure workers are vaccinated or tested weekly. OSHA will issue an Emergency...
Focus on Employees’ Mental Health This Month
In the world of occupational health and safety, physical safety is normally the priority. But what are you doing to support your workers’ mental health? Some new staggering stats show that 46%* of people now suffer from mental health issues (compared to 39% prior to...
Update on N95 Respirator Usage
The Food and Drug Administration is now recommending that N95s no longer need to be sterilized and reused. U.S. N95 manufacturers 3M, MSA and Honeywell are now generally able to meet the demands for healthcare workers. Unless employers are having trouble sourcing N95s...
6 things To Know About the Paris Climate Agreement
Earth Day is April 22 and this year we're celebrating by sharing 6 Things to Know about The Paris Climate Agreement. Contact us if we can help with your environmental questions.
Important News for Ohio Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generators
If you are a Small Quantity Generator (SQG) in the state of Ohio, you may be required to update your RCRA Subtitle C Site Identification information by September 1, 2021 – and Safex is ready to help! According to OEPA: If the previous notification was prior to...
OSHA’s Releases COVID-19 National Emphasis Program
The U.S. Department of Labor’s new COVID-19 national emphasis program (NEP) aims to protect workers from the spread of COVID-19 and prevent retaliation against workers who complain about their working conditions. "This program seeks to substantially reduce or...
March is Ladder Safety Month
March is national ladder safety month. You likely won't find a card for this holiday, but it's still important. This observance is about ladder safety at home and work. We're sharing this tool box talk with you so you talk with your employees about working safely at...