Tech Bulletin: Silica Safety Tool Box Talk

by | Feb 9, 2018 | Tech Bulletins

They say nothing in life is free. Whoever the proverbial they is – surely hasn’t met Safex.

Today we’re sharing something for free—a tool box talk about silica. Feel free to use this video on your job site as a starting point for silica safety education. If you haven’t heard, OSHA now mandates that all workers who are exposed to respirable crystalline silica must undergo safety training. Silica is a known human carcinogen and it only takes a small amount of airborne silica to create a health hazard.

Watch and share this video and give us a call if you’d like Safex to help you comply with silica training. Our two-hour training course The Short on Silica, fulfills the requirement, and will be held on Thursdays in February. Click here for more information. We’re also offering a more in-depth course for supervisors called Implementing the New Silica Standard in May. This course will cover IH monitoring, Table 1 applications and attendees will complete a silica exposure plan that they use at their jobsites.

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