Important News for Ohio Small Quantity Hazardous Waste Generators

by | Mar 19, 2021 | Tech Bulletins

If you are a Small Quantity Generator (SQG) in the state of Ohio, you may be required to update your RCRA Subtitle C Site Identification information by September 1, 2021 – and Safex is ready to help!

According to OEPA:

  1. If the previous notification was prior to 9/1/2017, you must re-notify Ohio EPA of your SQG hazardous waste activities using the Site ID Form (EPA 9029) before 9/1/2021.
  2. If the previous notification of your SQG activity was on or after 9/1/2017, the requirement has been met for 9/1/2021.
  3. Every four years after 9/1/2021, your facility must re-notify Ohio EPA of your SQG hazardous waste activities. The next renotification would be due 9/1/2025 if the facility is still a SQG at that time.

To find out whether Ohio EPA lists your facility as a SQG, go to RCRAInfo Web and click on Hazardous Waste Sites and then Search by Site. The quickest way to search is by the site’s ID number (also known as an EPA ID, HW ID, or RCRA ID). Click on the search results to view the current facility details.


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