Coronavirus Disease (COVID 2019) Update from Safex

by | Mar 10, 2020 | News, Safex News

The safety of our Safex team and your team is our highest priority. We’re staying up-to-date about Coronavirus Disease (COVID 2019) by reading the latest information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Ohio Department of Health and OSHA.

Many clients have asked what we’re doing to prevent COVID 2019 spread. We’re following the CDC and OSHA recommended strategies for employers and encourage you to do the same.Hand washing

  • We have reminded our staff if they are sick to stay home; specifically, if they have an acute respiratory illness or a fever.
  • We have a flexible policy that allows employees to work from home in these situations or if they are caring for an ill family member.
  • We are monitoring our staff and if someone exhibits respiratory illness symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath or other cold or flu like symptoms, we are asking them to go home.
  • We are emphasizing hand hygiene. We have posted signs reminding staff to thoroughly wash their hands for 20 seconds and we have abundant regular and antibacterial soap dispensers and tissues throughout our office and restrooms.
  • We have advised our staff to refrain from physical contact with others; specifically, we have recommended to our staff to refrain from shaking hands and to keep a distance from others. The transmission of the virus is not completely understood at this time, but this seems to be a prudent action.
  • We will continue our routine housekeeping efforts and refrain from using each other’s telephones and computer keyboards. These surfaces will be wiped down more frequently by our staff.

We are doing our part to protect our staff and your staff. Feel free to call us if you want to discuss your response to the COVID19 concern. Thank you for partnering with us for your environmental, safety and health needs.


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