COVID-19 Update

by | Mar 13, 2020 | Safex News, Uncategorized

Your health and safety remains a top priority at Safex. We’re staying up-to-date about Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) by reading the latest information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Ohio Department of Health and OSHA.

Our regular environmental, safety and industrial hygiene work and training will continue as scheduled according to client policies (apart from one rescheduled open enrollment class in April). If we’re currently working together, you can expect to hear from our team prior to visiting to ensure we understand your visitor policy.

How we’re keeping clients and staff healthy.

In addition to following OSHA and CDC recommendations for hand washing, social distancing, staying home when sick, enhanced cleaning procedures, etc., (read the specifics here), we are implementing new travel guidelines for our staff, which restrict unnecessary travel and require precautions for those who must travel, to limit the potential spread of COVID-19.

How we can help.

You may find it helpful to know that we can help you virtually with:

We’re also qualified to conduct respirator fit tests and online medical clearances for N95 masks and other respirators. Employees who are required to wear respirators must be medically cleared and undergo a test to ensure it fits properly. Call or email us to schedule an appointment.

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