Tech Bulletin: Be a Cold Weather Safety Champion

Thank goodness it’s not as cold in Ohio as it is in PyeongChang. While winter Olympians train in freezing conditions to prep them for cold weather performance, you can prepare by being informed. Knowing common cold stress injuries is key to keeping workers safe. What...

Tech Bulletin: Silica Safety Tool Box Talk

They say nothing in life is free. Whoever the proverbial they is – surely hasn’t met Safex. Today we’re sharing something for free—a tool box talk about silica. Feel free to use this video on your job site as a starting point for silica safety education. If you...

Tech Bulletin: Silica Table 1

Quartz, cristobalite, and tridymite walk into a bar…  Sorry, we haven’t figured out the punchline yet, but now that we have your attention, it’s time to talk about silica.   If you aren’t already aware, OSHA is now enforcing most provisions of...

Winterize the Job Site

Winterize your home, winterize your car, winterize your yard – don’t forget to winterize your job site!  Scaffolding and Ladders Winterizing scaffold equipment can be difficult. The only time employees can be on scaffolding during snowy or icy conditions is if all the...

Extension Cord Safety Tech Bulletin

Tech Bulletin: Extension Cord Safety Extension Cords Mr. Mustard, in the library with an extension cord. Yep, an extension cord can kill and cause destruction. Exposed wiring. Missing ground prongs. Bad placement. Daisy chaining. Take your pick – all are common...