8 Things to Address in Your Heat Injury and Illness Prevention Program Published in The Leader Magazine

by | Sep 1, 2022 | News, Safex News

The fall edition of The Leader, a publication of The Voluntary Protection Programs Participants’ Association (VPPPA), features an article by Safex Consultant, Beth Angus. The article, 8 Things to Address in Your Heat Injury and Illness Prevention Program, is a follow-up to the one she wrote in the summer edition.

Here’s the shortlist but read the article for much more information.

  1. Risk Assessment
  2. Exposure Guidelines
  3. Employee Monitoring
  4. Medical Surveillance
  5. Controls
  6. Heat Acclimatization Program
  7. First Aid and Emergency Procedures
  8. Training
The Future of Heat Stress VPPPA The Leader

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