Update to the New OSHA Recordkeeping Requirements

by | Aug 9, 2023 | Compliance Updates, News, Safex News, Tech Bulletins, Uncategorized

OSHA  made updates to the electronic injury and illness reporting rules that will be in effect starting on January 1, 2024. Here is a quick video to explain what is the same, what industries are impacted and what new information needsRecordkeeping updates video screenshot to be reported.  Watch the Video Now.

In response to the updates, Safex is going to offer two classes before the reporting deadline (Dec. 5th and Jan. 24th) that cover the new and the old OSHA Recordkeeping requirements:

  • Define medical treatment beyond first aid.
  • Determine restricted duty and lost workdays based on the OSHA and PERRP definitions.
  • Properly complete OSHA/PERRP 300, 300A and 301 forms.
  • Categorize an accident as OSHA/PERRP recordable or non-recordable.
  • Explain that workers’ compensation rules and OSHA/PERRP rules may differ.

Seating is limited in both sessions. Click the date below for more information and to get registered:

December 5th class      January 24th, 2024 class



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